
by n225.zero



Rules general, is the same as Koi carp of playing cards.nIf you win earlier in 30 sentences, it will be victory.

ルールは一般的な、花札のこいこいと同じです。先に30文勝てば、勝利となります。コンピューターの強さは普通くらいだと思います。テストプレイでは人間と互角でした。スマホでプレイしやすいように縦画面でプレイします。花見で一杯、月見で一杯はデフォルトでは無効になっています。The rules are the same as the general Hanakodakoikoi.If you win 30 sentences first, you win.I think the strength of computers is normal.In test play, it was equal to humans.Play on a vertical screen to make it easier to play on your smartphone.Full of cherry blossom viewing and full of moon viewing are disabled by default.android12 support